County of Santa Clara v. HHS
Lambda Legal, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Center for Reproductive Rights filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services “Denial-of-Care” Rule.
In the lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in coordination with Santa Clara County, the organizations are representing Trust Women Seattle, Hartford GYN, Whitman-Walker Health, Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center, Los Angeles LGBT Center, Center on Halsted, Mazzoni Center, GLMA, Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists, Medical Students for Choice and various physicians.
The new regulation invites health care workers – doctors, nurses, EMTs, administrators and clerical staff – to deny medical treatment and services to patients because of personal religious or moral beliefs. Health care facilities that do not comply risk losing federal funding. The regulation will cause mass confusion among health care providers and is completely infeasible to implement. As a result, health care facilities may do away with reproductive and LGBTQ services altogether, leaving millions without access to critical health care.
The lawsuit argues that the rule is unconstitutional because it advances specific religious beliefs in violation of the First Amendment; violates patients’ rights to privacy, liberty and equal dignity as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment; and chills patients’ speech and expression in violation of the First Amendment, all to the detriment of patients’ health and well-being. The lawsuit also asserts that HHS violated the federal Administrative Procedure Act in creating the rule by arbitrarily and capriciously failing to consider the impact on patients.
- May 24, 2019: HHS proposes new regulations designed to roll back regulations issued during the Obama Administration that clarified that, pursuant to federal law, the sex discrimination protections of the Affordable Care Act forbid discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
- May 28, 2019: Lambda Legal, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Center for Reproductive Rights file suit.
- November 19, 2019: Victory! Court vacates the Denial-of-Care rule in its entirety.
Supplemental Declaration of Dr. Randi C. Ettner (10/24/2019)
Second Declaration of Neli N. Palma (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Ward Carpenter et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Toni Tullys et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Stirling Price et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Seth Pardo et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Sarah Henn et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Sara H. Cody et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Ron Weigelt et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Ricardo Lara et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Randy Pumphrey et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Randie C. Chance et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Rachel Phelps et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Pete Cervinka et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Paul E. Lorenz et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Neli N. Palma et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Naseema Shafi et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Narinder Singh et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Modesto Valle et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Mari Cantwell et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Lois Backus et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Kevin Kish et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Ken Miller et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Julie Burkhart et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Joseph Morres et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Jill Sproul et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Jay Sturges et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Hector Vargas et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Greg Wagner et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Grant Colfax et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Frances Parmelee et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Elizabeth Barnes et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Diana Toche et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Denise Pines et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Debra Halladay et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of David H. Aizuss et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Colleen P. McNicholas et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Colleen P. McNicholas et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Christopher Colwell et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Christine Siador et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Bruce Hinze et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Brandon Nunes et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Brad Buchman et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Ben Rosenfeld et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Barry Zevin et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Alice Chen et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Alecia Manley et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of AGLP et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Adrian Shanker et al. (10/24/2019)
Declaration of Lee H. Rubin Pursuant to Local Civil Rule 5-1(i)(3) (07/5/2019)
Declaration of Dr. Ken Miller in Support of Plaintiffs’ Preliminary Injunction (07/5/2019)
Declaration of Bruce Butler in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction (07/5/2019)
Answering Brief of Plaintiffs-Appellees County of Santa Clara, et al. (10/14/2020)
Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Appendix (10/24/2019)
Plaintiffs’ Second Request for Judicial Notice (10/24/2019)
Plaintiffs’ Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment (10/24/2019)
Defendants’ Reply in Support of Their Motion to Dismiss (10/24/2019)
[Proposed] Order Granting Plaintiffs’ Motion for Nationwide Preliminary Injunction (07/5/2019)