Fletcher v. State of Alaska
Lambda Legal filed a federal lawsuit against the State of Alaska on behalf of Jennifer Fletcher, a state legislative librarian who was forced to pay out-of-pocket for medically necessary surgical treatment because the state health insurance plan prohibits such coverage only for transgender state employees.
- 2014: Client Jennifer Fletcher is diagnosed with gender dysphoria. In consultation with health care professionals, she starts hormone therapy and transitions to living openly as the woman that she is.
- 2017: Confronted with the AlaskaCare plan’s blanket exclusion of transition-related surgical treatment, Jennifer must pay out of her own pocket for medically necessary care.
- Early 2018: AlaskaCare plan begins covering transition-related hormone therapy, recognizing that such treatment is medically necessary, but continues to categorically prohibit coverage for transition-related surgical treatment, even though it can also be medically necessary.
- March 2018: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) determines that there was reasonable cause to believe that the State of Alaska has violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
- June 2018: Lambda Legal files federal lawsuit on Jennifer’s behalf, arguing that the State of Alaska has violated the sex discrimination prohibition of Title VII.
- February 2020: Oral argument at the Alaska District Court.