L.P. v. Philadelphia, et al.
Case representing a transgender girl subjected to verbal and physical abuse because of her sexual orientation, gender identity, sex and disability while in the custody of a secure youth detention facility in Philadelphia.
Lambda Legal filed a discrimination complaint against the City of Philadelphia Department of Human Services/Juvenile Justice Services to the City of Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations on behalf of L.P., a male-to-female transgender girl, who was discriminated against because of her actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, sex and disability while she was in the custody of the City of Philadelphia’s Youth Study Center, a secure youth detention facility.
At all times during her stay, Youth Study Center administrators and staff refused to treat L.P. respectfully and in accordance with her female gender identity. Administrators subjected her to and/or failed to take effective steps to detect and punish harassment by both peers and staff and refused services including appropriate housing and access to clothing and grooming options that matched L.P.’s female gender identity.
Lambda Legal’s discrimination complaint argues that, based on the Philadelphia Fair Practices Ordinance, the Respondents unlawfully allowed the Youth Study Center to employ policies and practices that had the effect of unlawfully discriminating against L.P. on the basis of her actual and/or perceived gender identity, sexual orientation, sex and disability.
- October 2009 Lambda Legal files complaint.
- August 2011 Lambda Legal reaches a settlement with Youth Study Center. As part of the settlement, the center will adopt new policies and trainings to ensure the safety of transgender youth in their care.