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Need help understanding your rights as an LGBTQ+ person or someone living with HIV? Visit our virtual Help Desk.

Fair courts and democracy

Fair and impartial courts are a cornerstone of our democracy, but justice is in jeopardy across the country.


Lambda Legal is fighting to restore the integrity of the U.S. court system—and push back against attacks that erode judicial independence and accountability. We’re also working to eliminate bias and discrimination throughout the court system and democratic process, as well as to expand access to justice so that everyone who needs it can get their day in court.

Cases on fair court issues.

Fast Facts


The percentage of federal appellate judges confirmed during the Trump presidency with a history of hostility toward LGBTQ+ people


The number of openly bisexual, nonbinary, transgender, or intersex people ever nominated to the federal judiciary


The number of states with no openly LGBTQ+ federal district or circuit court judge

Your rights

The Fair Courts and Democracy Project provides tools and information to counter damaging attacks on the courts that threaten the civil rights of LGBTQ+ people and everyone living with HIV. Have a specific question that’s not answered below? Visit our virtual Help Desk.