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LGBTQ+ students

LGBTQ+ people deserve to be unapologetically who they are at school.


School should be a safe place for learning and discovery. But for LGBTQ+ young people, it’s often a place of discrimination and fear. Students don’t just face bullying and discrimination from their peers and teachers—they also face institutional exclusion from sports teams and school dances, gender-appropriate bathrooms and dorms.

That’s why Lambda Legal is fighting in courts and legislatures to ensure schools do their part to protect this vulnerable community—while offering trusted resources for LGBTQ+ students who have questions about their rights.

Cases on LGBTQ+ students’ rights.

Fast Facts


The percentage of LGBTQ+ students who report feeling unsafe at school


The percentage of LGBTQ+ students who have been physically harassed


The percentage of LGBTQ+ students who have been assaulted

Your rights

Explore our collection of resources to learn more about LGBTQ+ students’ rights. Have a specific question that’s not answered below? Visit our virtual Help Desk.