Nicholas Hite
McDonald/Wright Distinguished Attorney
Dallas, TX
Nicholas was born and raised in a small town in Southeast Louisiana. He earned his undergraduate degree from Louisiana State University and his J.D. from Tulane Law School. Once licensed, Nicholas was determined to create the kind of legal service provider that his own friends and family needed. As a result, he established The Hite Law Group in New Orleans, Louisiana and was Principal there for 10 years before joining Lambda Legal. It was the only openly queer-run, queer-centered law practice in Louisiana.
As a solo practitioner, Nicholas has single-handedly served over 3,000 clients across all 42 civil district courts in Louisiana providing leading-edge legal services for LGBTQ+-identified clients, especially adult and child survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault. Nicholas was instrumental in spearheading policy and practice changes for transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) Louisianans that made ID corrections more accessible. He has authored a desk manual on correcting birth records in Louisiana and is the sole TGNC-competent legal resource in Louisiana recognized by the Transgender Legal Services Network, Transgender Law Center, and Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund.
While operating his solo practice, Nicholas also served for six years as a juvenile public defender, was co-founder and managing attorney for the non-profit Family Justice Legal Center, and was in-house counsel for the New Orleans Family Justice Alliance. In 2022, Nicholas was recognized as one of the 40 Best LGBTQ+ Lawyers Under 40 by the national LGBTQ+ Bar Association and in 2023 received the Hostetter-Habib Family Award from Family Equality. Nicholas has appeared on several podcasts and radio broadcasts and his work has been profiled in Nola.com/The Advocate, The Washington Post, and People.
Practice currently limited to Louisiana only, as well as federal courts where admitted. Not currently licensed in Texas; Supervised by Texas-admitted attorneys while awaiting admission to the Texas Bar.