enjoyed a delightful evening.
On Monday May 7, Lambda Legal supporters from around the country celebrated the 21st annual Liberty Awards National Dinner in New York City. The event raised more than $1 million and brought together two of the oldest organizations fighting for the rights of LGBT people and those with HIV — Lambda Legal and Gay Men’s Health Crisis. Marjorie Hill, Chief Executive Officer of GMHC, accepted a Liberty Award on behalf of GMHC for its 25 years of service to our communities.
“It’s very moving to be here tonight, especially when the honoree is GMHC,” said Kenneth Ohashi and Joseph Rosolanko, who became members of the Liberty Circle at the dinner. “We lost a lot of friends to the epidemic, and a night like this with two great organizations really helps us see how far we have come.”
The night was also an opportunity to honor Kevin Cathcart who is celebrating his 15th anniversary as the Executive Director of Lambda Legal this year. During his speech, Cathcart applauded the hard work and dedication of the members, volunteers and staff of Lambda Legal and reminded the audience that none of Lambda Legal’s work would be possible without the courage of our plaintiffs.
“Evenings like this reinvigorate us. It’s thrilling to be here and inspiring to see all these people together,” said Mary Jo-Kennedy and Joanne Shain, plaintiffs in Lambda Legal’s New York marriage case.
See all the excitement of the 2007 Liberty Awards – and find your picture – at our exclusive online Photo Gallery courtesy of LoveandPride.com at www.loveandpride.com/llphoto. Love and Pride is one of many corporate sponsors who helped to make this year’s Liberty Awards a huge success. Please take a moment to look at all of our 2007 National Liberty Awards event sponsors.