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Sign the Petition: Call on the Senate and President Biden to repair our courts.

We’re fighting for a fair and unbiased judiciary. Our new report on the anti-LGBTQ+ judges Lambda Legal opposed during the Trump administration demonstrates that many of those judges continue to hold clear hostility and bias towards LGBTQ+ people, people living with HIV, and our civil rights protections more broadly.

The Senate can mitigate the impact of these harmful judges by confirming the 28 judicial nominees President Biden has already nominated to the federal bench. Many are simply awaiting a confirmation vote. But there are only weeks left for the Senate to act!

With only three months left in President Biden’s term, filling every vacant seat on the federal courts becomes increasingly important. As of October 23, 2024, there were still 39 current and future judicial vacancies without nominees.

We, the people, call on:

  • President Biden to fill the open vacancies in our judiciary with well-qualified attorneys and judges who will reflect the diversity of our country, with a particular focus on increasing representation of LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV.
  • The Senate, to confirm all judicial nominees awaiting Senate action.

The future of our community’s legal rights rests with the judiciary, and the time to act is now. Join us by signing the petition to amplify this crucial message today!

To President Biden & the United States Senate:

I am deeply concerned about the impact of many federal judges who have shown a clear hostility towards LGBTQ+ people, people living with HIV, and our civil rights more broadly. President Biden must fill all vacancies in our judiciary with well-qualified attorneys and judges, and the Senate must confirm all of them to balance our judiciary!

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To learn more about the impact of federal judicial appointments on our community, read Lambda Legal’s latest analysis, The Alarming Impact of Trump’s Anti-LGBTQ+ Federal Judges.

This comprehensive report details the far-reaching consequences of the Trump administration’s anti-LGBTQ+ judicial appointees on LGBTQ+ civil rights and civil rights more broadly. Between 2017 and 2020, 234 federal judges were appointed by former President Trump—including three U.S. Supreme Court justices. After careful review of their records, Lambda Legal formally opposed 34 judicial nominees, due to their explicit records of anti-LGBTQ+ bias, including the three U.S. Supreme Court Justices.

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