Trans rights are under attack across the country. In 2023 alone, there have already been over 400 anti-trans bills introduced, with states enacting bans on gender-affirming care, prohibiting participation in sports, and banning students from using school restrooms that align with their gender identity.
But we’re fighting back. Want to learn how? Tune in to our National Call: Fighting Back Against Anti-Trans Hate Across the Country, to hear directly from Lambda Legal CEO Kevin Jennings and legal staff that are leading our transgender rights advocacy. The panel of speakers will discuss the multiple ways Lambda Legal is fighting back against these attacks on various fronts, from litigation in multiple states and the Supreme Court, policy initiatives, and advocacy across several state legislatures.
On the call, attendees will hear:
- A national overview of the legislative attacks against the trans community. A brief historical context of LGBTQ+ rights and Lambda Legal’s work fighting for lived equality for all LGBTQ+ people and everyone living with HIV/AIDS.
- An overview of the ways that Lambda Legal is involved in fighting back, including litigation, policy advocacy, and public education.
- A summary of Lambda Legal’s lawsuits against anti-trans legislation, such as, B.P.J. v. West Virginia State Board of Education, defending our client, Becky Pepper-Jackson’s right to participate in sports, as well as an upcoming lawsuit we are filing in Tennessee challenging the state’s newly enacted anti-trans healthcare ban.
CEO Kevin Jennings: Formerly president of the Tenement Museum, Kevin’s contributions to the LGBTQ+ movement began in 1988 when he helped students create the first school-based Gay-Straight Alliance club, leading him to found and lead the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) for 18 years. He then served as an Assistant Secretary of Education for President Obama, after which he led the Arcus Foundation, the world’s largest foundation for LGBTQ+ rights organizations, for 5 years. He has received several awards, both national and international recognition, and is a Lambda Literary Award-winning author of seven books.
Carl Charles, Senior Attorney: Carl has been involved in litigating many cases expanding and solidifying federal civil rights protections for transgender people. Most recently, he serves as counsel in B.P.J. v. West Virginia Board of Education, a federal lawsuit challenging West Virginia’s law banning girls and women who are transgender from participating in school sports; as well as Fain v. Crouch, challenging West Virginia’s blanket exclusion of coverage for gender-confirming care; in Kadel et al. v. Folwell et al., challenging North Carolina state officials for discrimination in state employee health care; and in Eller v. Prince George’s County Public Schools, on behalf of a teacher who endured years of abuse, harassment, and retaliation because she is a transgender woman.
Sasha Buchert, Director of Non-Binary and Transgender Rights Project: Sasha has been involved in extensive federal and state legislative and policy efforts on a wide range of issues including judicial nominations, criminal justice reform policy, and health care initiatives. She is also litigating a number of cases expanding and solidifying federal civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ people. She was counsel in Karnoski v. Trump, a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Trump administration’s ban on military service by transgender people, and is counsel in Gore v. Lee, a federal lawsuit filed in Tennessee challenging that state’s refusal to amend birth certificates for transgender people.
Sruti Swaminathan, Staff Attorney: Sruti Swaminathan is a Staff Attorney in the National Headquarters Office of Lambda Legal where they advocate on behalf of LGBTQ+ Youth through impact litigation, education, and public policy work. Sruti engages with both legal and non-legal organizations committed to protecting and advancing the rights of LGBTQ+ Youth, particularly youth of color, who are overrepresented in foster care, juvenile justice systems, and homeless settings. Sruti’s litigation efforts center on the nationwide attack on transgender youth. Sruti currently serves as counsel to B.P.J. in B.P.J. v. West Virginia Board of Education, a federal lawsuit challenging West Virginia’s law banning girls and women who are transgender from participating in school sports.