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Dignity for LGBTQ+ seniors

LGBTQ+ people and everyone living with HIV encounter specific legal challenges as they age.


Some LGBTQ+ seniors face discrimination by staff and residents at senior centers while others are denied housing altogether. Some find their gender identity disrespected while others are denied survivor benefits like Social Security.

Lambda Legal defends the rights of seniors who face discrimination related to their sexual orientation, gender identity, or HIV status.

Cases on seniors’ rights.


Fast Facts


In the United States, the majority of long-term senior care is provided by family members—but LGBTQ+ seniors are more than twice as likely to live alone than heterosexual adults


The percentage of transgender elders who live at or below 200% of the federal poverty level


The percentage of LGBTQ+ adults ages 45 and older who are at least somewhat worried about having to hide their LGBTQ+ identity to access housing 

Your rights

Explore our collection of resources to learn more about LGBTQ+ seniors’ rights. Have a specific question that’s not answered below? Visit our virtual Help Desk.