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Wills & Bequests

Retirement Assets

Retirement assets left to non-federally recognized spouses are subject to high estate and income taxes. When left to Lambda Legal, the full value of your remaining retirement assets will go directly toward our fight for equality. That’s why many donors name Lambda Legal as the beneficiary of their retirement plans and provide for their loved ones through other means.

To make a gift of retirement assets, you can simply name Lambda Legal as the beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of all, or part of, your retirement plan. When you pass away, or if your beneficiary does not survive you, the remaining assets will pass to Lambda Legal.

If you are able to provide for your loved ones through other means, making a gift of retirement assets to Lambda Legal may save your partner the significant burden of paying both estate and income taxes on the assets.

Keep in mind: There are many ways to get income in retirement: company pensions, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, IRAs, Social Security, and so on.

How to Designate Lambda Legal as a Beneficiary of Your Retirement Account

You can name Lambda Legal to receive all or a percentage of the unused balance of a retirement account. Simply request a beneficiary designation form from your financial institution and complete it as follows.

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund Inc.
120 Wall Street, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10005

Tax ID# [enter this if asked for the beneficiary’s social security #, employer identification # (EIN) or taxpayer identification #]: 23-7395681 .

Please remember to check once a year with your financial institution to confirm that your beneficiaries are accurate and up-to-date.