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Wills & Bequests

Many of our supporters have chosen to include Lambda Legal in their will as a way of making a meaningful impact on the fight for equality without having to give up crucial assets needed during their lifetimes.

A charitable bequest to Lambda Legal made in your will can take many forms. You can make a bequest to Lambda Legal by designating a specific sum of money, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder of your estate after other beneficiaries receive the portion you designate. Through a contingent bequest, you can make Lambda Legal the beneficiary of your estate if your partner or other beneficiary passes away before you. You can also create a charitable trust through your will that will benefit individuals you choose during their lifetimes with the remainder after they die passing to Lambda Legal.

While you receive no immediate tax benefits from a bequest to Lambda Legal, every dollar contributed is deductible for estate tax purposes, relieving your partner and loved ones of added estate tax burdens.

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To make a bequest to Lambda Legal you will need to use the correct language in your will: “I hereby give and bequeath [cash or percentage amount you are giving] to Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., New York, New York, for its general purposes.” To ensure that your wishes are followed exactly, we suggest including Lambda Legal’s full name and address in your will:

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.
120 Wall Street, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10005
501(c)(3) Tax ID number: 23-7395681

This information is not intended as legal advice. For more information about planned giving vehicles and making a legacy gift to Lambda Legal, be sure to consult with a professional who is familiar with the laws in your state. For help finding a professional in your area, contact our Director of Legacy Giving, Jonathan Menke at 212-809-8585 or