Cheryl Angelaccio
Senior Litigation Analyst
Chicago, IL
Cheryl Angelaccio is the Senior Litigation Analyst in the Midwest Regional Office of Lambda Legal. Lambda Legal is the oldest and largest organization dedicated to advancing the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, public policy and education.
As Senior Litigation Analyst, Angelaccio works with Lambda Legal attorneys in the Chicago office and nationwide. She conducts legal research, works with plaintiffs, co-counsel, amici and experts, and maintains case files. In addition, Angelaccio maintains an archive of social science articles and law notes that relate to LGBT parenting and marriage, a pleadings file of marriage cases nationwide.
In 2009, Angelaccio was honored with the Liberty Bell Award, largely due to her work in the Varnum v. Brien case. The award is presented by the Young Lawyers Section (YLS) of the CBA as part of its annual Community Law Week Celebration and recognizes a member of the community who is not an attorney and who has rendered service that strengthens the effectiveness of the American system of freedom under law.
Prior to joining Lambda Legal, she worked at Endeavor Information Systems, a library catalog software development firm, as a technical writer and as a customer support representative; and at Northwestern University Library, as the Federal Documents Library Assistant in the Government Publications and Maps Department.
Angelaccio graduated from the University of Illinois, Chicago in 1985, and received her Master’s degree in psychology from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1990