Jonathan Menke
Director of Legacy Giving
New York, NY
Jonathan Menke is the Director of Legacy Giving at Lambda Legal, the nation’s oldest and largest legal organization dedicated to the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV. He works out of Lambda Legal’s headquarters in New York City.
Through his role, Jonathan works across the country to steward and grow the Guardian Society – Lambda Legal’s group of over 1,500 members who have taken the initiative to Lambda Legal as a part of their estate plans, including leaving a bequest or designating Lambda Legal the beneficiary of a trust, retirement account or other giving options. He also heads Lambda Legal’s charitable gift annuity program and helps lead in the strategic work of the Legacy and Planned Giving Council.
Prior to joining the Lambda Legal team, Jonathan worked for ProgressOhio, a Columbus based non-profit organization dedicated to advancing progressive values in the Buckeye State. He holds a B.A. from the Ohio State University where he studied Human Geography.