Defending our community
Full citizenship in America is more than a box to check on a form. It’s being able to live freely and openly everywhere you go. It’s feeling safe at school and work. It’s being able to seek medical care without discrimination or violence. It’s being treated with respect and dignity by law enforcement officers and others throughout the justice system. But at every stage of life, LGTBQ+ people and those living with HIV confront barriers to equality under the law. That’s why, for five decades and counting, Lambda Legal has stood up to defend our community’s rights.

We fight back when members of our community are fired, harassed, and targeted at work because they are LGBTQ+ or HIV+.

Fair Courts
We combat the growing attacks on fair courts that threaten hard-won LGBTQ+ rights. Because our courts should make decisions based on constitutional and legal principles—not politics.

Family Protections
We defend the legal rights of same-sex couples and their families, from marriage equality to domestic partnership benefits to parent-child relationships.

Health Care
We break down the barriers between our community and the health care they need, from medical discrimination to violations of personal autonomy.

We won the nation’s first HIV discrimination lawsuit—and since then, we’ve been fighting to maintain and expand protections for Americans living with HIV.

We fight for humane immigration policies that are inclusive of LGBTQ+ people and their unique legal needs.

Criminal Legal System & Police Misconduct
We stand up to law enforcement that targets and abuses LGBTQ+ and HIV+ people by challenging unfair criminal laws and seeking recourse when our rights are violated.

Religious Exemptions
We fight back when religious freedom is wrongly used as a license to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people and those living with HIV.

We defend the LGBTQ+ and HIV+ seniors who face discrimination, whether they’re refused housing or denied Social Security and other survivor benefits.

Students' Rights
We work to make school a safe space for LGBTQ+ students—so they can be unapologetically who they are.

Transgender & Nonbinary Rights
We work to expand and defend protections for transgender and nonbinary people who face rampant discrimination and are some of the most vulnerable members of our community.

We work to ensure all LGBTQ+ youth are safe and free from discrimination and harassment, whether they’re in the hallways at school or in out-of-home care settings.
Five decades of progress
Explore key moments in the fight to secure our rights