Bridge v. Oklahoma State Department of Education
Lambda Legal, the ACLU, and the ACLU of Oklahoma have brought a legal challenge on behalf of three transgender students to S.B. 615, which bans all transgender students in Oklahoma from using school restrooms consistent with their gender identity.
- September 6, 2022: Lambda Legal, along with ACLU, ACLU of Oklahoma, and pro bono co-counsel Covington & Burling LLP, file a federal lawsuit on behalf of three transgender students against a number of state and local entities and government officials challenging a new school facilities access law that singles out transgender students for unequal treatment.
- January 12, 2024: The district court denies Plaintiffs’ request for preliminary injunction and grant the State Defendants’ request to dismiss the case.
- March 22, 2024: The district court grant the School Defendants’ request to dismiss the case.
- April 19, 2024: Plaintiffs appeal to the 10th Circuit the district court’s judgment in favor of Defendants.