Lambda Legal’s Case Work
For five decades and counting, Lambda Legal has proudly served as attorneys for the LGBTQ+ community and people living with HIV. Find out what’s on our docket right now—and go in depth on each of our current cases below.

Showing 15 of 339 results
Turner v. White
Case seeking access to legal proceedings for a name change and waiver of fees on behalf of transgender woman
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: Illinois Supreme Court
Hollingsworth v. Perry (formerly known as Perry v. Brown and Perry v. Schwarzenegger)
A federal case challenging California’s discriminatory ballot measure, Prop 8, which eliminated same-sex couples’ right to marry in that state.
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Decision: Victory
Raftopol et al. v. Ramey et al.
Case in which a same-sex married couple sued the Connecticut Department of Public Health because it refused to list both...
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: Supreme Court of Connecticut
Decision: Victory
Hickman v. Donna Curry Investments, LLC, et al.
Man fired from a Subway restaurant after disclosing his HIV status
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: United States District Court for the District of Nevada
Decision: Victory
Langbehn v. Jackson Memorial Hospital
Case challenging a hospital’s decision to keep a lesbian from visiting her dying partner.
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: District court for the southern district of florida
Ohio v. Carswell
(Amicus) Case arguing that Ohio’s constitutional amendment banning marriage for same-sex couples does not exempt one from domestic violence charges...
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
United States v. Marcum
(Amicus) Landmark case challenging the military’s sodomy law in the wake of Lawrence v. Texas which overturned all remaining sodomy...
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
Decision: Landmark Case
Debra H. v. Janice R.
Case on behalf of a nonbiological mother seeking custody and visitation rights with and to provide financial support to the...
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: New York State Court of Appeals
Matter of the Estate of Ranftle v. Leiby
Case defending a man’s right to the estate of his deceased spouse with New York’s long-standing law respecting out-of-state marriages...
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Lewis v. Harris
Case seeking the right to marry for same-sex couples in New Jersey
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: New Jersey Supreme Court
Pratt v. Indian River Central School District et al.
Case on behalf of a brother and sister challenging antigay harassment, discrimination and censorship by school officials.
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: United States District Court for the Northern District of New York
Varnum v. Brien
Case that won the right for same-sex couples to marry in Iowa
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: Iowa Supreme Court
Decision: Landmark Case
In re S.J.L. and J.K.L.
Case seeking custodial rights for a non-biological mother whose ex-partner used Ohio’s constitutional amendment in an attempt to have her...
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals
Decision: Victory
In re Gwin
Administrative appeal of a state Medicaid program’s refusal to cover the cost of a life-saving organ transplant because the recipient...
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
Lewis v. New York State Department of Civil Service, et al.
Case arguing that New York’s state government follows the law by respecting out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples.
Case Filed: 10/28/2011
Court: York State Supreme Court, Albany County