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Lambda Legal’s Case Work

For five decades and counting, Lambda Legal has proudly served as attorneys for the LGBTQ+ community and people living with HIV. Find out what’s on our docket right now—and go in depth on each of our current cases below.

Showing 15 of 333 results

Landmark Case

Benitez v. North Coast Women’s Care Medical Group

Case arguing that health care providers’ personal religious beliefs do not excuse discrimination against LGBT patients Issues

Case Filed: 07/01/2001

Court: California Supreme Court

Decision: Landmark Case

  • Health Care Fairness
  • Marriage, Relationships and Family Protections
  • Religious Exemptions
  • California
Closed Case

Doe v. County of Centre

(Amicus) case arguing against a policy instituted by the Centre County Children and Youth Services, which barred placement of HIV-negative...

Case Filed: 05/01/2000


  • HIV
  • Pennsylvania
Landmark Case

Brandon v. Richardson County

Historic case arguing for a sheriff’s culpability for his acts in the murder of a transgender man

Case Filed: 04/01/2000

Court: Nebraska Supreme Court

Decision: Landmark Case

  • Transgender and Nonbinary Rights
  • Nebraska
Closed Case

Beaton and Alberti v. Vinje Realty and F. J. Kazeroid Realty Group

Case representing a same-sex couple that was discriminated from renting an apartment in New York City.

Case Filed: 02/01/2000


  • New York
Landmark Case

Henkle v. Gregory

Historic case seeking to enforce a student’s First Amendment right to be out at school

Case Filed: 01/28/2000

Court: U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada

Decision: Landmark Case

  • Students' Rights
  • Nevada
Landmark Case

Baker v. Vermont

(Amicus) Groundbreaking case seeking the right to marry for same-sex couples in Vermont

Case Filed: 12/01/1999

Court: Vermont Supreme Court

Decision: Landmark Case

  • Vermont
Landmark Case

Colín v. Orange Unified School District

Groundbreaking case arguing for the right of students to form a gay-straight alliance and to become a recognized student club

Case Filed: 11/24/1999

Court: U.S. District Court

Decision: Landmark Case

  • Students' Rights
  • California
Closed Case

Bragdon v. Abbott

(Amicus) Case arguing that a dentist cannot refuse care for a patient with HIV

Case Filed: 06/01/1998

Court: United States Supreme Court

  • Health Care Fairness
  • HIV
  • Maine
Closed Case

East High Gay Straight Alliance v. Board of Education of Salt Lake City School District

When a group of students attempted to form a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) at East High School in the Salt...

Case Filed: 03/19/1998

Court: United States District Court, Utah Central Division

  • Students' Rights
  • Utah
Closed Case

Doe v. Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company

Case arguing against a health insurance provider’s limiting policies for clients living with HIV

Case Filed: 01/01/1998


  • Health Care Fairness
  • HIV
  • Illinois
Closed Case

Barone v. Har Jehuda Cemetery

Case on behalf of Sherry Barone who was prohibited from placing a headstone that her deceased partner had requested at...

Case Filed: 04/15/1997

Court: United States District Court, Eastern Pennsylvania

  • Marriage, Relationships and Family Protections
  • Pennsylvania
Landmark Case

Board of Regents of U. of Wisconsin v. Southworth

(Amicus) Historic case seeking to uphold a viewpoint-neutral student group system at public universities

Case Filed: 01/16/1997

Court: U.S. Supreme Court

Decision: Landmark Case

  • Anti-LGBTQ+ Rulings, Laws and Amendments
  • Religious Exemptions
  • Wisconsin
Closed Case

Grobeson v. City of Los Angeles

Case arguing that the LAPD violated a settlement agreement intended to protect an openly gay officer from harassment and discrimination...

Case Filed: 06/18/1996

Court: Los Angeles Superior Court

  • Employment and Rights in the Workplace
  • California
Closed Case

Doe v. Chubb Sovereign Insurance

Case arguing against an insurance company’s denial of life insurance coverage for the spouse of a man living with HIV

Case Filed: 04/01/1996


  • HIV
  • California
Closed Case

Galanty v. Paul Revere Life Insurance Company

Case arguing against an insurance company’s denial of benefits to a client living with HIV

Case Filed: 03/01/1996

Court: California Court of Appeal

  • Health Care Fairness
  • HIV
  • California