PFLAG v. Abbott
Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the ACLU of Texas, along with Texas-based law firm Baker Botts LLP, filed a new lawsuit in Texas state court on behalf of PFLAG National and three Texas families. The suit requests that the court block state investigations of PFLAG families in Texas who are supporting their transgender children with medically necessary health care.
The lawsuit names Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who issued a February directive stating that health care that is medically necessary for treating gender dysphoria should be considered a form of child abuse. The suit also names Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) Commissioner Jaime Masters and DFPS as defendants.
Read our FAQ for parents and guardians here: https://www.lambdalegal.org/publications/tx_20220224_faq-gender-affirming-care-in-texas-what-parents-and-guardians-need-to-know
The facts of this case involve references to a suicide attempt and suicidal thoughts in the LGBTQ community. If you or someone you know requires help and support, please contact the Trevor Project (866) 488-7386 or TransLifeline (877) 565-8860. Transgender youth, you are not alone.
- June 8, 2022: Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the ACLU of Texas, along with Texas-based law firm Baker Botts LLP, filed a new lawsuit in Texas state court on behalf of PFLAG National and three Texas families.
Exhibit 8. Declaration of Plaintiff Adam Briggle (06/8/2022)
Exhibit 7. Declaration of Plaintiff Tommy Roe (06/8/2022)
Exhibit 6. Declaration of Plaintiff Wanda Roe (06/8/2022)
Exhibit 5. Declaration of Plaintiff Mirabel Voe (06/8/2022)
Exhibit 4. PFLAG ED Brian Bond (06/8/2022)
Exhibit 1. Declaration of Samantha Poe (06/8/2022)
Exhibit 2. Declaration of Lisa Stanton (06/8/2022)
Exhibit 3. Expert Declaration from Dr. Cassandra Brady (06/8/2022)