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Case representing same-sex couples in Illinois seeking the freedom to marry.

Jim and Patrick, the lead plaintiffs in Lambda Legal’s marriage case. See photos and video from their wedding.

Nearly one year after the civil union law took effect, Lambda Legal filed a lawsuit on behalf of 16 same-sex couples and their children seeking the freedom to marry.

By excluding them from marriage and relegating them to civil unions, the government has marked them as different and less worthy than other Illinois families—and that is exactly how others treat them. Such a restriction is a violation of the Illinois Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection and due process. Same-sex couples and their children have suffered disrespect in schools, workplaces and hospitals, and in their everyday interactions with government for long enough. The couples have been together between 6 to 48 years, and 10 of the couples are raising children.

Meet the couples and learn more about the case.